Divorce Mediator Near Me
Divorce Mediator for divorcing couples
Looking for a divorce mediator near me? Ivy Wall Consult is a financial advocacy firm comprising a CPA specializing in:
Financial mediation for divorcing couples; long-term non-marital and co-parenting relationships; a personal, small business and corporate tax return consultancy; and small business advisory services. Post-divorce services would include assistance with ongoing co-parenting situations, as well as modifications to ongoing support arrangements due to material changes in circumstances, COVID-19 life changes, etc.
The firm has evolved as the result of principal Steven Innis’ extensive experience in dealing with The Barnstable County Family and Probate Court in matters of divorce, support, property settlements, child custody and related issues. Steve knows what the divorcing couple faces and just how difficult the process can be. More importantly, Steve has come to the realization that divorce is a highly financial transaction that is much better served when the parties approach it from a direction of financial reality. Steven Innis is not a lawyer and does not purport to practice law. In divorce settlements he mediates, Steve highly recommends that the settlement agreements reached are reviewed by each party’s own attorney prior to submission to the court for approval. But the agreements belong to the parties and we go to great length to customize them to meet your particular and unique needs.

A Divorce Mediator Near Me. Steve Innis is an expert in the field.

As a CPA, Steve has many years’ experience in financial workouts and views the irretrievable breakdown of matrimony as one of the most challenging of all financial dissolution’s. In divorce, highly distressed parties are required to make both short and long-term decisions under considerable duress. In divorce mediation, both parties agree to make their best good faith effort to negotiate an equitable financial settlement and to work cooperatively with regards to other issues such as child custody, support and many others in a setting where each party is assured of being heard by the other party.
Looking for a Divorce Mediator Near Me? Contact Ivy Wall Consult through one of the options below.
Regardless whether the divorce is acrimonious or uncontested, each leaves mediation with a sense of being in control of his or her own future; children are not traumatized by the process and each spouse maintains dignity and self-determination. Ending long-term relationships is never easy. Such an eventuality is rarely planned; parties are emotionally overwrought, hurt and anxious. There is fear and uncertainty. More often than not, there is considerable anger. Husbands and wives in the throes of divorce customarily have great difficulty maintaining discipline in their lives as they struggle with stress and lack of sleep. How ironic it is that at this point in your life where you are at your absolute worst, you are expected to effectively make some of the largest and most important financial decisions you have ever made in your life. Frequently, one of the parties is far more prepared and emotionally ready for the divorce, as they were the party that initiated. If you are in the unfortunate position of being unprepared for divorce, sadly it may take years before you finally absorb the full effect of what transpired. And, often times, the financial damage at that point has long since been done and bankruptcy becomes the only option. Much of this damage can be avoided when the two parties are willing to at least try to work together to craft a divorce agreement that will work for their particular situation. The option of lawyer initiated litigation will always be there for you, but why not at least try to maintain control of your own life?
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Call Steve today at (508) 419-7048.
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